Luke Kling: Why do I choose push and pop ads for my ad campaigns?

By | April 11, 2023

Luke Kling is one of the most well-known affiliate marketers and the founder of the affLIFT forum — the most active affiliate marketing forum right now. 

In this episode, we’ll discuss how Luke started his way in the industry, why he prefers push and pop ads instead of Facebook ads, and how he build the best forum for affiliate marketers. 

RichAds team started a new Youtube activity — Ads&Grans talks.
These are interviews with people from the affiliate and performance marketing sphere. 
Click here to watch the previous videos.

Who is Luke Kling?

Luke Kling is one of the most well-known affiliate marketers and the founder of the affLIFT forum.

affLIFT is going to reach 100 000 active users by the end of the year. This is the most active affiliate marketing forum right now.

Luke still runs ad campaigns and tests different ad networks and their features to stay on top of the industry.

Luke prefers to run push and pop ads and thinks that Facebook is not affiliate friendly. Pop ads are his preferred ad format and he has mastered them.

Luke share his tips on running pop ads in RichAds e-book. Download the e-book about popunders here. It’s free of charge!

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What will Luke Kling’s interview cover?

The interview will be split into two parts. We’ll talk about Luke’s journey in affiliate marketing and the Afflift affiliate marketing forum — how he created it and how it works today. We’ll also cover the hot topic — earnings. SPOILER: Luke made millions from his blog’s email list.

Part 1. Luke as an affiliate marketer:

  1. Does Luke run ad campaigns for money?
  2. The biggest loss that Luke has. 
  3. Favorite advertising format. 
  4. Luke’s thoughts about Facebook.
  5. Verticals Luke works with now.
  6. Luke’s favorite geos. 
  7. Luke’s tactic that kills the campaigns.
  8. Why Luke don’t judge people who copy his ad campaigns.

Part 2. How to create one of the best worldwide forum:

  1. How Luke came up with the idea for affLIFT and how he almost killed affLIFT a month after its launch.
  2. Was money the main reason for creating affLIFT?  
  3. The first steps in creating affLIFT.
  4. How Luke made millions of dollars from his blog’s e-mail list. 
  5. Luke’s concept of business (I’ve never wanted to bye Lamborgini).
  6. How to become a community leader? 
  7. How Luke’s earning change after he launched affLIFT?  
  8. Did Luke get the first $1M from affLIFT?

👇 Watch Ads&Grans talks with Luke Kling right now 👇

Get more information about affiliate marketing at RichAds’ Youtube channel

The RichAds YouTube channel is an excellent source of information on all aspects of affiliate marketing. The channel features short videos, webinars, and roundtable discussions with experts. You can also find the other video interviews from the Ads&Grans talks.

Videos from Ads&Grans talks that are available now

On the channel, you can find a lot of tips and tricks for the main verticals:

  • Gambling,
  • Betting,
  • Dating,
  • Adult,
  • Finance,
  • Sweepstakes,
  • Nutra,
  • Antiviruses, VPN, and cleaners.

Feel free to Subscribe to our YouTube channel and click the bell icon not to miss new videos! We plan to add up to 10 videos each month. Stay tuned for our next video.

What is RichAds?
🔝 Push and pop ads,
🔼 Domain redirect traffic,
🔝 CPM for domain ads starts from $ 1.5,
⏫ CPC for push ads starts from $ 0.003,
🔼 CPM for pops — from $0.5 in Tier 3, $1 in Tier 1,
⏫ large volumes of available traffic in more than 200 goes.

The post Luke Kling: Why do I choose push and pop ads for my ad campaigns? appeared first on RichAds Blog.

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