Case study: How to Promote Adult Dating in the USA

By | February 27, 2023

The media buying team of our partner — Affmy CPA network — has prepared a successful case. Guys will tell you how to launch their in-house offers on in-page push ads and get the maximum profit, don’t miss it!

We decided to test our In-house offers Easy-Lay and Join The Dating with the help of in-page push traffic.

We chose RichAds for the test as we have been working with this ad network for quite a long time and knew that such offers convert well on in-page push traffic.

In less than two weeks we received 129 registrations and $226 profit. We’ll explain how to achieve this in the guide!

.person-custom{background-color: #F4F7F9; padding: 25px;}
.person-img-wrap img{border-radius: 50%;}
@media screen and (min-width: 1200px) {
.person-custom{padding: 25px 40px;}
margin: 0!important;
background: url(‘’);
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-size: 70px auto;
background-position: top;
width: 170px;
padding-top: 20px;
margin: auto;
.person-img-wrap img{margin:0;}

Adult dating and in-page push traffic peculiarities

Adult dating is a vertical that can bring huge income if you launch it wisely. You can promote such offers on different traffic channels, but many of them, for example, Facebook and Google, have significant restrictions on creatives.

However, there are also alternative sources of traffic – push, inpage push and pop ads. They allow you to use any adult materials without censorship. In this article we will discuss in detail the format of inpage push ads.

RichAds Team

All in all, in-page push is a better variation of push advertising. They look almost identical, but the user does not need to subscribe to them. They are shown to him inside the web page he visits.

How in-page push ads look like

Main advantages of in-page push ads:

  • They are visible to both iOS and Android users;
  • Do not depend on browser updates;
  • As unobtrusive as possible for users;
  • Have an affordable price per click.

Insights on launching Adult ads at RichAds

Before launching your adult dating offer on in-page push traffic, you shall be aware of a few peculiarities, they will help you get the maximum profit in the minimum amount of time.

  • Use whitelists. In RichAds, it is allowed to run campaigns with adult creatives only on certain traffic sources. You can request them from your manager for the desired format.
  • Test at least 5-10 creatives. It’s very important for the segmentation of the target audience and the search for the most converting approach. If you don’t have time to make the creatives yourself, you can order them from your manager for free.
  • Always start with Premium sources. These sources have the highest CR, other groups of sources can be used to scale campaigns.
  • Divide campaigns with different devices. The thing is that the bids for mobile and desktop can vary significantly, so it’s worth creating a separate campaign for each device.

Why is it worth launching adult ads in the USA?

Obviously, adult dating offers convert well in Tier 1 countries, especially in the USA. This GEO opens up great opportunities for webmasters, because the target audience there is as warm as possible and the response to such offers is quite high.

Competition in the USA is also high among maketers, which is why it is worth knowinghow to launch adult in advance in order to get a high CR.

Taking into account all the features of the GEO, we have launched adult offers in the USA, with the following data.

Traffic source: RichAds
Ad format: in-page push
GEO: the USA
Goal: registrations
Period: 24.01.2023 — 04.02.2023
CPA network: Affmy
Vertical: adult dating
Offers: Easy-Lay, Join The Dating
CPL: $5

Step 1. Campaign set up

  1. First of all,  we chose the in-page push format.

    This can be done in the campaign creation interface.
  1. After that, we added creatives.

    We chose them based on our own experience. Since these are adult offers, we used several approaches:

  • Adult materials. They attract only customers interested in adult dating and sex meetings.
  • Messenger icons. This approach creates the effect of personalization and face-to-face communication.
  • Audio and video messages imitation. They intrigue the user, so he immediately wants to open and read what exactly was sent to him.
Tap to zoom

Important: creatives can be found in various spy tools, or ordered from your manager at RichAds for free.

3. Then, we chose a bid and set a budget.

It is important to remember that the volume of traffic directly depends on the bid. 

We started with a minimum CPC of 0.02$ and checked the volumes after that. In our case, we raised the bid to $0.032 to get enough traffic. We have set a budget of $50 per day, which is enough to collect optimal statistics.

RichAds tip: If you wanna find out the best bid for your campaign use the Predictor feature or consult with your manager.

4. Then we set up targeting.

We chose only mobile devices because of our own experience. They usually convert better than the desktop.
Also a frequency cap was set not to annoy users. We implemented 2 impressions and 1 click per user per day.

5. After that we set up Advanced targeting

  • We started with the 6th version of Android, as earlier versions work not that well.
  • After a short test, we saw that there were absolutely no conversions from the Opera browser, as well as from the IP addresses indicated in the screenshot, and excluded them from the campaign settings.
  • We chose the browser language — English, in order to attract only native speakers.

Step 2. Tracking setup

Our main tracker is Keitaro, it does a great job of analyzing and monitoring statistics.

Setting up tracking is crucial for campaign optimization, but if you already have the postback implemeted, you can proceed to optimization of the campaign.

What can you do with a tracker?
🎯Collect statistics in one place.
🎯Try split-testing of presell pages and offers.
🎯Split traffic by different parameters.
🎯Test different hypotheses, such as the way the number of conversions depends on the bid or on a certain creative.

1. First, we need to add a source and get the offers in the tracker.

To add RichAds to the sources click “Create”, enter the name, insert the postback and set it up according to the parameters it can pass. 

2. Then, you need to add parameters that will be necessary for further optimization.

It can be campaign number, creatives number, sublists, publisher ID, country, city, OS and others.

3. In order to add offers, we need to take a link in the Affmy affiliate program cabinet.

We find the desired offers, take the link and enter it in the track.

4. Then, we create a campaign in the tracker and enter the necessary offers.

It’s crucial to make a stream for various offers to test and distribute the percentage equally to collect statistics. Later, during optimization, we will be able to distribute traffic in the desired percentage based on the data obtained.

What is RichAds?
🔝 Push and pop ads,
🔼 Domain redirect traffic,
🔝 CPM for domain ads starts from $ 1.5,
⏫ CPC for push ads starts from $ 0.003,
🔼 CPM for pops — from $0.5 in Tier 3, $1 in Tier 1,
⏫ large volumes of available traffic in more than 200 geos.

Step 3. Campaign optimization

When we received the first results, we immediately started optimizing the campaign.

  • Optimization started with publishers, so we created blacklists at their level.
  • We analyzed the first data on publishers and IP zones and immediately reflected them in blacklists for our campaign.

    Thus, we turned off sources that converted not so well or were too expensive.

  • We also used the Automated Rules feature at RichAds.

    We have established 2 rules: if the amount of conversions is bigger than 0 and the CPA exceeds $4.5, or if there are less than one conversions and the spend exceeds $4, the publisher will be automatically added to the blacklist.
  • We also collected data on all creatives to compare CTRs.

    As you can see, the overall metrics are quite high, but as a result of testing, we applied only the best options. In addition, we have changed the bids for top creatives using the Micro Bidding function to make the results even better.

Our test showed that it is best to use messenger icons and imitation of video messages, try them during the tests as they have the highest CTR.

Tap to zoom


After a few days of testing, we saw that the Join-The-Dating offer had a low CR, so we turned it off and distributed traffic equally between several landing pages using a tracker.

During the ten days of the test, we spent $418, earned $645, and as a result, the profit turned out to be $226. We received 129 registrations, and the final ROI is 54%, which is a decent result in a short period of time!

Tap to zoom


All in all, we received a ROI of 54% during the 10 days of the test, which was quite satisfactory. This proves that the in-page push format is great for adult offers, if you know how to work with it and optimize campaigns in time.

We’ll also continue to scale our campaigns at RichAds by increasing the budget and the bid, because we love the outcome. Make sure to contact your manager for help if you have any questions about setting up a campaign or need help with creatives.

Launch Adult Dating offers from Affmy on RichAds traffic!

What is RichAds?
🔝 Push and pop ads,
🔼 Domain redirect traffic,
🔝 CPM for domain ads starts from $ 1.5,
⏫ CPC for push ads starts from $ 0.003,
🔼 CPM for pops — from $0.5 in Tier 3, $1 in Tier 1,
⏫ large volumes of available traffic in more than 200 geos.

The post Case study: How to Promote Adult Dating in the USA appeared first on RichAds Blog.

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